Schwarzbund – Von der Suche nach Wärme und Licht (2012)



Schwarzbund sind Dirk Wuttig und René Müller aus Wernigerode. Die Musik, mit überwiegend deutschen Texten, bezeichnen sie als „Dark Electro Pop“. Die Lieder setzten sich mit der dunklen Seite des menschlichen Lebens auseinander, mit Ängsten und Leid, geben jedoch Hoffnung und Spielraum für eine Eigeninterpretation des Hörers. Die Worte „Kälte“, „Wärme“ und „Licht“ ziehen sich wie ein roter Faden durch das Album. Wärme und Licht sind für fast jedes Lebewesen, speziell für das menschliche, über lebensnotwendig. Genauso wie das soziale Miteinander. Musikalisch bewegen sich Schwarzbund ab vom Trend, der gerade die elektronische Szene dominiert (sprich Aggrotech, Cyber, …). Sie sind zurückgegangen zu den Anfängen der dunklen elektronischen Musik, versehen sie aber mit frischen und modernen Klängen. Durch die Mischung aus eingängigen Melodien, ausdrucksstarken Texten und der Stimme von René entsteht ihr eigener schwarzbundtypischer Sound.

— english version —

Schwarzbund are René Müller and Dirk Wuttig from Wernigerode. Their music, with mainly German lyrics, is what they like to call “Dark Electro Pop”. Their songs approach the dark sides and shades of human life, fears and misery but also give hope and leave enough space for a personal interpretation by the listener. It all began in December 2009. Both of them had been a part of different musical projects before (Dirk was part of an Industrial Project and René performed as a singer as well as songwriter in a Dark Punk Band). Therefore the idea of producing a song together appeared to be obvious to us. This is how the song “Das Tier” was created – a song which mainly talks about the inner animal. As they received quite a positive feedback from friends and family and felt delighted about the result themselves, it turned out that this would not be the last song produced together and this is how “SCHWARZBUND” was founded. They quickly succeeded in producing more songs. In September 2010 Schwarzbund managed to release the song “Warm” on the Orkus Compilation 62. Their first Demo CD named „Von der Suche nach Wärme & Licht“ got published in November 2010 at the same time as the stage premiere took place. During the same period of time the band took part in the Europe-wide Newcomer competition „Battle Of The Bands 2010“, organised by the Sonic Seducer magazine. They gained more reassurance from all the people who voted for them and helped them achieve 6th place. Currently Schwarzbund are working on new songs and are planning more concerts for the year 2012. The album’s title was created just as the album was completed. In the beginning the writing and producing of songs stood mainly in the foreground. But the words „Kälte“(coldness), „Wärme“ (warmth) and „Licht“ (light) always seemed to be with us during our first creative phase. Warmth and light are essential for the survival of nearly every living being, especially men, as well as social interaction and togetherness. The search for oneself and a companion is something which is omnipresent and occupies our thoughts … something which will keep on influencing our future lives and songs. Musically they move away from the trend which is currently dominating the electronic scene (such as Aggrotech, Cyber …). Schwarzbund returned to the beginnings of dark, electronic music but add some fresh and modern sounds. The mixture of catchy melodies, expressive songs and René’s voice creates their individual sound.


01 – Kalte Zeit
02 – Irrlicht 2012 a.D.
03 – Das Tier
04 – Warm
05 – Deine Kälte
06 – Engel hinter Gittern
07 – Seelensuche
08 – Lebenslicht
09 – Receding Angels
10 – Weg des Lebens