Theodor Bastard – Oikoumene (2013)



Die russische Band Theodor Bastard mit dem Etikett Weltmusik zu labeln, wird dem vielfältigen Projekt kaum gerecht. Im Osten Europas hat die Gruppe von Russland aus sämtliche Weltmusikfestivals in der
Ukraine,Weissrussland, Ungarn, Bulgarien, Littauen, Estland, Lettland,
Slowakei und Tschechien bespielt. Mit dem neuen Album möchte man jetzt
den Sprung in den Westen Europas meistern. Die aufwändig produzierten
Songs laden in ein Klangwelt ein, die sich nicht nur der Mystik aller
Kulturkreise bedient, sondern auch moderne Elemente einbezieht. Im
Zentrum der multi-instrumental arrangierten Songs thront die
ausdrucksstarke und kräftige Stimme von Yana Veva, die zu einer
spirituellen Reise durch den belebten Erdkreis (Oikoumene) einlädt.


01) Takaya Mija
02) Farias
03) Gerda
04) Benga
05) Sagrabat (Diumgo)
06) Oikoumene
07) Tapachula
08) Intifadah
09) Clean Kron
10) Sol de Morte
11) Anubis
12) Benga (Fun-Da-Mental version)

«These people live the wild life keeping ancient traditions. No matter
what kind of nationalities we are talking. For some people they belong
to myths and fairy tales, but for someone they are so real as urban
jungles. And there are our roots. The roots of mankind. These islands of
the Promised Land among the riot of nature. Where we came from. And if a
person does not return to these surrounded by wild nature. If a man does
not hear these voices from the forest, he fails to the insurmountable
grief. With the new songs we broke with our eternal melancholy gloom.
The closeness to nature makes a man happy. This is our album. There are
almost no dark songs.»

Produziert wurde das Album in England, Spanien, Frankreich und Skt
Petersburg. Im Vergleich zum Vorgängeralbum
verzichtet man fast ausschliesslich auf elektronische Elemente: Daf,
Doira, Dumbek, Udu, Kalimba, Reko-Reko, Caxixi, Ashiko, Talking Drum und
verschiedene Djemben und Congas wurden alle live eingespielt.

The cult British band Fun-Da-Mental, Zulu Choir The Mighty Zulu Nation,
Indian sarod performer Rampur Rani, unique Afro-French singer Julien
Jacob, and other great musicians took part in recording of “Oikoumene”.

The musicians recorded the tracks in different cities and at several
studios: in St. Petersburg („House of 100 sounds,“ „Dobrolet“), England
(PMA Basement Studios, Huddersfeild and Unit 13, London) and Paris
(Passage A Niveaux).

The CD art design was created by famous Russian artist Boris Indrikov.

„It was interesting to give up all the electronics and the tricks, and
work with live material. Whole year of hard work, and what a great
experience! And the cooperation with so many, really talented, musicians
from all over the world still feeds me with special energy. In the
beginning, of course, there were many doubts, but now I can say that
everything has turned out well. And this is the best of what we have
done for all time, that’s for sure! „- says the frontman of the band
Fedor Svolotch.

While recording the album Theodor Bastard used an impressive collection
of various instruments which were brought from distant journeys. In some
songs you can hear such instruments as daf, doira, dumbek, udo, kalimba,
reko-reko, caxixi, ashiko, talking drum and variety of djambe and
kongas. Yana Veva, songwriter and vocalist, played the Chinese flute
bawu. Rampur Rani performed on sarod – Indian national instrument.
Dmitry Gorenko played the didgeridoo. Vladimir Belov — cello. And
Zmitser von Holzman — Pan flute, ocarina, and other wind instruments.
Fedor Svolotch recorded percussion, guitar, bass and own made
instruments made of everyday objects like door springs, coconuts and
empty bottles.

The basis for this album was laid when Yana Veva composed songs inspired
with traditions and beliefs of the tribes living in far corners of the
She says: «These people live the wild life keeping ancient traditions.
No matter what kind of nationalities we are talking. For some people
they belong to myths and fairy tales, but for someone they are so real
as urban jungles. And there are our roots. The roots of mankind. These
islands of the Promised Land among the riot of nature. Where we came
from. And if a person does not return to these surrounded by wild
nature. If a man does not hear these voices from the forest, he fails to
the insurmountable grief. With the new songs we broke with our eternal
melancholy gloom. The closeness to nature makes a man happy. This is our
album. There are almost no dark songs.»

And in conclusion a few words from Aki Nawaz (Fun-Da-Mental) about
collaboration with Theodor Bastard:

„Theodor Bastard reflect the genuine art of musical expression in all
its parameters, seeking sounds outside of comfort zones and dictated
parameters and this runs right to the heart of Fun-Da-Mental and its own
presentation. An artist has a choice to be part of breaking their own
indoctrination and venturing into new zones, Theodor Bastard do this
which is not only challenging but also courageous, we should be judged
by what new movements we create not by been part of commercial success
but the art itself and what and how it reflects on peoples journey into
music.“Do what you wish “ were the instructions to us and thats the
first and only rule of art and so we did.“.