The Daughters Of Bristol – The Ave (2012)



Formiert im Jahre 2002, begannen The Daughters Of Bristol unter dem „Label“ Dark Rock zu veröffentlichen. 2005 veröffentlichten sie ihr erstes Album namens „Voyage“. Ein raues und retroangehauchtes Album welches ihren Stil bis heute definieren sollte. Durch das ständig wechselnde Line-Up kristallisierte sich am Ende jedoch doch ein fester, noch heute bestehender, Mitgliederbund heraus. Dieser besteht aus Lead-Sänger Joseph Ronin und Lead-Gitarrist Edward Nicholas. In den letzten 10 Jahren brachten es The Daughters Of Bristol auf stolze 4 Alben und einige Compilationbeiträge. Nun, mit dem neuen Mitglied Aaron Brown am Bass, schicken sich die Daughters an ihr neues Album namens „The Ave“ zu veröffentlichen. „The Ave“ fängt nicht nur da an wo ihre Vorgänger aufhörten, sondern setzt einen neuen Maßstab der Band. Eine Kombination aus trockenem Rock, poetischem Gesang der Josephs Texte, die von Lebenserfahrungen in einem dunklen Leben auf schmerzhafte Art und Weise handeln, aufs Beste zum tragen bringen. Melodische Gitarren, Hook-like Rhythmussektionen und subtile Drumbeats sind die Signatur der kleinen Brüder von den Schwestern of Mercy wie sie hinter vorgehaltener Hand auch genannt werden.


01 Monotone City
02 Labour Under Love
03 The Ave
04 Addiction
05 Auspice Numine
06 Don’t Tell
07 Sleight Of Hand
08 Wage
09 Mercy Machine
10 Die Like The Best

— english version —

Formed in 2002, The Daughters of Bristol began performing and releasing music fashioned as a dark rock outfit. Following an early singles release with Crankspiv Records in 2002, and making headlines at the 2003 Kindred Festival in Columbia, MO, the band aspired to deliver their first record „Voyage“ – a raw and retro-fitted album that would define The Daughters as a goth rock outfit. Since 2005, The Daughter’s ever-revolving line up has served as a refuge for the band’s only two main stays – lead singer Joseph Ronin and lead guitarist Edward Nicholas. Over the past 10 years, the band has celebrated 4 releases under the tutelage of Magnolia Records and 3 compilations through various other U.S. labels. In 2007, „Jones Hall“ was released – a first full length effort by Ronin and Nicholas. The Jones record is a testimony to the Daughter’s vintage goth rock sound as the album boasts a mixture of caustic anthems and meandering guitars circa 1985. „Woman At The Side EP“ brought more attention to the band during it’s 2009 unveiling, which was heightened by Mick Mercer’s review of the album in The Mick 54 issue. During this time The Daughters started gaining traction with fans in Europe and in the US. The record’s success is attributed mostly to tracks such as „Woman At The Side“, „Of Ash and Wake“ and „In The Midst of Your Temple“, which offered a more layered feature than previous works. The winter of 2010, presented a B-Side record titled Holts Summit, which was released with surprisingly good reviews despite that the tracks were un-polished recordings from the bands beginnings in a basement of a funeral home in Holts Summit, MO – among the tracks is a live improve radio performance with a never recorded song titled „What Will I Become“. The B-Side was never intended for release, but has been welcomed by critics as it boasts a behind the scenes timeline of the band. 2010 introduced bassist Aaron Brown to the band’s line up. With a new since of band chemistry, and the support of Danse Macabre Records, The Daughters presents their 2012 release simply titled „The Ave“. As their 5th release, „The Ave“ stands out on its own merit due to it’s robust sundry rock, poetic vocals, and cultivated arrangements. „The Ave“ gives a since of nostalgia as we start to remember what it was like to listen to post punk music with out all the metal contaminates. Joseph’s lyrics relate to life experiences in a dark, subjective and painful way that rings out with an anapestic and existential like flare „everywhere I turn everywhere there’s pain so I’m heading elsewhere on an elsewhere train“. The vocals are accompanied by melodic guitars, hook-like rhythm sections and subtle drum beats, just the signature sound their fans will continue to embrace.