A.T.Mödell – Apocalyptophilia (2013)



Nach all dem Hype um die Mayas, der Apokalypse und dem Ende der Welt wie wir sie kennen, was kann eine Band wie ATMödell dagegen tun? Natürlich ein Album komponieren! „Apocalyptophilia“ dreht sich um das Sein und das Ende der Zeiten. Genießt das letzte Spektakel das diese Welt zu bieten hat untermalt von hartem Sound und starken Texten!

— english version —

After all the mass hype about the Mayans, the Apocalypse and the End of the World as we know it, what can a band like A.T.Mödell do about it? Of course, composing an album! „Apocalyptophilia“ is about being excited about the End of Times, enjoying the Last Espectacle This World Has To Offer, and be true to the spirit that is to be an apocalyptophiliac and have the mind eaten by hysteria and morbidity. But it’s not only about this! The album also tells you about inspiration, superation, fun, darkness… but you can simply enjoy its powerful, hard, strong sound and lyrics without thinking too much. It’s up to you!


01. Intro – The third coming
02. Bliss
03. This time alone
04. Dead in sixty-six parts
05. We’re gonna eat tonight
06. Intermission – May you live in interesting times
07. Bursting into the world
08. A next reality
09. Automatische Terroriv Mödell
10. Too high
11. Intermission – End of everything
12. Reluctant hero
13. This time together
14. The Doomsday march
15. Apocalyptophilia
16. Outro – Fear and hope in the aftermath of obliteration